Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just what the internet needs- another dead blog.

Well, what can I say. This blog has been dead for over a year and a half now. In all honesty I've been feeling a little glib about the future of this game for a good portion of 2010 and the first few months of this year. Things have changed for the better of late though, and there's way more news in the community than this quick post will deal with. To give a severely simplified recap:

There's a new kid on the block. It's called BloodXL and like a bat out of Blood heaven it's hit the cultic gamers' scene with a force equal to 5 burning TNT barrels. BloodXL is old news to be honest, nearly a year old and just months away from a beta release. The the team leader, luciusDXL plans to backwards engineer Blood for use on a modified Dark Forces engine called BloodXL. This team plans for a compatibility with the retail version so tight That you'll be able to run old user made blood mods created with mapedit. More on this one later. Here's a link

Cradle to grave, a Blood mod for Eduke32 had been on hiatus now for so long that I wasn't certain Dimebog and crew were going to continue. The team members are still fielding questions as recently as June so chances are they've got something in the works. We'll hear more from them soon hopefully.Link
First, the bummer news concerning Hyper.

Hypertension has gone without a proper level designer for quite some time. To make matters worse, the maps Fiend left us with are of a very high quality, so much so that 2 Doom mappers have been intimidated out of the job after joining. Right now we need a mapper at Boom level competence or greater who's into fairly detailed level design. If there are any contenders for Fiend's throne, please drop us a line.

Now for the good stuff.

We've added 2 new script coders to the team. These folks are doing highly specified tasks, one is focusing his efforts on cleaning and perfecting the RTS programming and will join the team formally if the code becomes stable enough. The second is a return coder Tyler Jessilynn, who specializes in COAL script. COAL is a LUA base script that can do a few things RTS can't so look for even more Blood like gaming in the future.
Finally, Corbin, the lead developer and creator of HT, has moved into C++ Doom source for HyperEDGE which is now a separate branch of the EDGE source port. His accompleshments thus far (with help from some old hands in ther Doom community) are:

MD3 model support .

GL fog

Split screen mode, a must for U console gamers out there. Here's a video of the new split screen feature


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