Sunday, January 3, 2010

The war is over!

After close to a year of nearly non-stop combat, Kurt Fuhr, sole creator of the Blood2 Resurrection mod, has had his account deleted over at the Transfusion forums. I do not for the life of me understand how one human being could devote so much time and energy into smearing another modders work. I for one am glad this situation is finally at an end. An almost constant barrage of accusations has weathered every Bloodite's soul and patience alike.

I cannot speak knowledgeably of some of the other mods. They are either progressing silently or are on some form of hiatus. Hypertension however has quickly risen to become the jewel in the Blood modding community's crown. Corbin, along with a greatly reduced staff, has created one of the most promising mods for Blood in the last 12 years. It will be extremely multiplatform, supporting Dreamcast, PC, Linux, Mac, and now even the Sega x32 gaming platform. This is as close to having Blood's source code as we can hope to have folks. I only wish others within this community could get beyond personal issues and see the potential of what Hypertension is.
To paraphrase Kurt Fuhr;
"It didn't have to be this way."

In other news, Postmortem has gotten an a new web home.

I make no pretense about my relations with the staff there. Still it is the most active Blood forum and with all animosities aside, there is a wonderful thread about the work of Kevin Kilstorm stickied up in the main Blood section. It is a "must see" as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, guess what? I'm slapping together another slovenly fanfic.
All of you fans of profound grammatical retardation (PGR disorder) will have a huge treat in store. It's stuck at 19,000 words for now. If I can get some time off, expect a release this February.

Happy new year to all, friends and foes alike.

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