Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Damage Control

Things have gotten rather frantic in the last week as accusations and anger became the norm over at the postmortem. I wasn't the only one in a blue funk concerning the closing of Blood2 Resurrection. It was, quite frankly, a low point in Blood modding history and friendships were strained to say the least. Fortunately the worst is over. Kurt Fuhr has pulled B2R from the brink and put it in hiatus lite. B2R's creator followed up with a commitment to continuing work on the B2R project at a later date. Kurt has also made it clear that the number of updates will be dramatically reduced.

No word yet about Cradle to Grave, Although longtime bloodite Final_Caleb has produced several high resolution sprites of a latex/silicon Tchernobog model that can be articulated. Modders Dimebog and Daedolon have been in contact with him concerning these sprites. What this team is planning hasn't been publicly released .


The Hypertension team is approaching a sample alpha release of their TC using the EDGE engine. This mod has undergone rapid development in the short time span it's been around. Some of the effects would be ground braking for the Edge/doom community if they work.


I've been looking and looking for this commercial for some time with the intention of posting it here. This is a parody version of the commercial in question but it will do. Now kick back and enjoy a highly concentrated dose of cultic mania... AND STAY WARM!


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